Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What Kind of Reader Am I?

                After taking the quiz that determines what kind of reader you are, I believe it was right on point about what I enjoy to read. It said that my first favorite books to read are Drama and the other genre is fiction. The types of books I have read over the years are usually action packed with a bit of romance in it. I like a little drama when I’m reading a book. It keeps it interesting.  There have been many times when I have read a book and have cried my eyes out because I was compelled by the events occurring. I have also, on many occasions, thrown books at the wall because something in it made me angry and upset. For example, when I was reading Twilight, the main character has upset me so much that I refused to look at the book for a week before I decided to pick it up again because I had to finish it.
                The previous book I read before the one I am currently reading was Fear by Michael Grant. This book is one of five in my favorite series, the Gone series. The book is very engaging and had me sucked into it from the very first page. I couldn’t put it down. I got in trouble in a few classes because I was reading when I was supposed to be working. The book had lots of action and suspense, with just the right amount of drama and romance. Michael Grant did an incredible job on this novel and the series as a whole.